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n. d.

Larkspur Volunteer Fire Dept (n. d.)

Larkspur Volunteer Fire Department. Open Air Dance.

Canton Holyoke No. 65 (n. d.)

Canton Holyoke No. 65, Patriarchs Militant

(n. d.)

First Annual Dance given by The Crescent Athletic Association.

(n. d.)

n. d.

Colonial Ball (n. d.)

Colonial Ball (n. d.)

RHS (n. d.)

RHS (n. d.)

(n. d.)

n. d.

Untitled, (n. d.)

n. d.

Ich Dien Ball (1860)

(1860) Ich Dien Ball in honor of H. R. H. The Prince of Wales. Boston, Oct. 18th, 1860

Sociable by GJC (1866)

192 Crown St. Wednesday Evening. April 4th, 1866. Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, Printers.

Home Assemblies (1869)

Home Assemblies. January 29th, 1869

3rd Grand Annual Ball (1870)

Third Grand Annual Ball of the Shackamaxon Association at the American Mechanics' Hall, Upper Saloon. Tuesday Evening February 1st, 1870

7th Grand Annual Bal Masque (1871)

Seventh Grand Annual Bal Masque Maennerchor. Academy of Music. Tuesday Evening. February 14th, 1871.

New Haven Gray's (1872)

New Haven Gray's Annual Reception and Promenade Concert. February 8th, 1872

Closing the Grand Ball (1875)

Centennial Celebration at Lexington. Monday Evening. April 19th 1873

The Third Annual Ball (1880)

The Third Annual Ball of the Eagle Fire Engine Co. No. 1, at the Town Hall, Fitzwilliam, N. H., Wednesday Eve., Jan 28th, 1880

Canadarago Hose Co. No. 2 (1891)

Canadargo Hose Company No. 2, Friday, January 14th, 1881

Turner-Runde (1883)

Turner-Runde im Manner Turn-Verein in Wein. 17 Jänner 1883

7th Annual Ball (1883)

7th Annual Ball of the Eagle Fire Engine Company No. 1, at the Tower Hall, Fitzwilliam, N. H. on Wednesday Eve., Dec. 12 '83

Flower (1884)

Flower, 1884

Leap Year Party (1884)

Leap Year Party. P. H. S. Dancing Class. March 24, 1884

Masquerade Ball (1884)

Masquerade Ball of the Turn Verein Vofwerts at the New Turn Hall, Thursday Evening, February 21, 1884. Ticket to add. Get & Lady $1.00

Providence Police (1885)

3d Annual Concert and Ball. Providence Police, Infantry Armory Hall. Thursday Evening, No. 19th, 1885

Weston Guards Ball (1885)

Weston Guards' Ball. Pittsfield Opera House, Dec. 11, 1885

Annual New Years Ball (1894)

Annual New Years Ball at the Union House, Cuttingsville, VT. 1/1/1894

Informal Hop (1895)

Informal Hop. January 15, 1895

Poverty Party (1888)

Poverty Party, Revere Poor House. Friday Eve., March 30, 1888 in aid of the Unitarian Vestry

Social Surprise (1886)

Social Surprise Given to Misses Isadore and Belle Sperry. Thursday Evening, December 31st, 1886. Woodbridge, Conn.

Garrett City Lodge (1886)

Garrett City Lodge, No. 130. First Entertainment and Ball at the Rink, Garrett, Ind., 9/24/1886

SFE Co. #1 Annual Ball (1886)

SFE Co. #1. Annual Ball. Sprague Hall, Baltic, CT. Thanksgiving Eve, Nov 24, 1886

Revere Whist Club (1887)

Revere Whist Club. Thursday Evening, Dec. 15, 1887

19th Annual Masquerade Ball (1887)

Nineteenth Annual Masquerade Ball of the Scranton Turnverein at New Turn Hall. Monday, February 14 1887. Gents' Ticket, $1.00. #441

Third Annual Ball (1887)

Third Annual Ball of the Washington Fire Department. At Beatty's Opera House, Fri, Ev'g, Dec 30, '87

1st Light Battery (1888)

1st Light Battery, 2/17/1888

Bowdoin Class Day Hop (1888)

Bowdoin Class Hop, 6/26/1888

Revere Tennis Club (1888)

Revere Tennis Club, 12/6/1888

1st Grand Handkerchief Party (1888)

First Grand Handkerchief Party of the Library and Lyceum Society at Town Hall, Peabody, on Friday Evening, November 9, 1888



44th Annual Ball (1889)

44th Annual Ball of the Revere Ball Association, Town Hall, Revere, Thursday Evening, Feb. 21st, 1889

I. C. B. (1889)

I. C. B. Order of Dances. Irasburgh, Vt. Wednesday Eve, March 20, 1889.

Coachman's Benevolent Assoc (1891)

Coachman's Benevolent Association. Mechanics Building. Wednesday Evening. Jan. 7th 1891

Second Grand Entertainment (1891)

Second Grand Entertainment and Sociable given by the Crystal Social Circle. Oct. 25th, 1891

9th Annual Concert & Ball (1891)

Ninth Annual Concert and Ball of the Providence Police Association, at Infantry Hall. Thursday Evening. December 3rd, 1891

WashingtonFire Comp'y No 1 (1891)

Washington Fire Comp'y No. 1, Beatty Opera House, 12/31/1891

Annual New Years Ball (1891)

Annual New Years Ball at the Union House, Cuttingsville, VT., D. K. Butterfield, Prop'r. Thursday Eve., Dec 31, 1891.

Corpse and Coffin (1892)

Corpse and Coffin, Thursday, April 28th, 1892

Corpse and Coffin Ball (1892)

Corpse and Coffin Ball. Thursday, April 28, 1892. Empire Hall

Lethe (1892)

Metal cover. Date engraved 8/11/1892

48th Annual Childrens Party (1893)

48th Annual Children's Party, 2/22/1893

MAC Senior Promenade (1893)

Preliminary Programme. M. A. C. Senior Promenade. Town Hall. June 20th, 1893.

Dahres Ball (1893)

Dahres Ball, 10/21/1893

Spolek ceskych (1894)

Spolek ceskych, 4/2/1894

Kranzchen (1894)

Kranzchen im Militar-Casino, 1/20/1894

Ples spolku ceskych (1894)

Ples spouku ceskych, 2/14/1894

Ladies' Evening (1895)

Ladies Evening, 2/21/1895

Grand Fan Party (1895)

Grand Fan Party of St. Theresa Court, No. 109 MCOF 5/14/1895

Informal Hop (1895)

Informal Hop, 1/15/1895

First Grand Concert and Ball (1895)

First Grand Concert and Ball of the Street Car Mutual Benefit Association. Infantry Hall, Providence, RI. Tuesday Ev'ng, Dec. 10, '95. Music by the Jessie D. Brown Lady Orchestra, 2/10/1895

51st Annual Ball (1896)

51st Annual Ball of the Revere Ball Association

51st Annual Childrens Party (1896)

51st Annual Childrens Party Town Hall Revere, 2/28/1896

First Grand Concert and Ball (1896)

First Grand Concert and Ball of the Revere Women's Club. Town Hall, Friday Evening, April 3, 1896

I.M.P.D ORM Mask Ball (1893)

I. M. P. D. ORM Mask Ball, 3/10/1893

Prazsky (1896)

Prazsky, 4/2/1896

54th Annual Childrens Ball (1899)

54th Annual Childrens ball under the auspices of the Revere Ball Association, 2/24/1899



56th Annual Childrens Ball (1901)

56th Annual Childrens Ball under the Auspices of the Revere Ball Association, 3/1/1901

A Social Party (1901)

A Social Party in Grange Hall, Belleville, NY. Friday Evening, March Fifteenth, 1901. Dancing at eight o'clock. Ellisburg Orchestra

Les Societe Des Joyenx Viveurs Parri

Post 1903

Class of 1904

Class of Nineteen Hundred and Four Junior Prom, 3/27/1903

Annual Concert & Ball (1904)

Annual Concert and Ball. Holyoke Lodge, No. 134, L. O. O. F. City Hall, Holyoke, Mass., Friday Evening, November 11, 1904.

First Annual Concert & Ball (1906)

First Annual Concert and Ball Given by the Aggie Social Club, Windsor Hall. Saturday Evening. February 24, 1906.

Soiree Dansante (1908)

Soiree Dansante, vyboru plesu. Zofin 14 Listopad 1908

Annual Ball- Richard R. Hunt (1907)

Annual Ball of the Richard R. Hunt Social Club. Town Hall, Revere. Friday Evening. 1907.

Bacon Academy (1909)

Bacon Academy, Colchester, Conn. Class of 1909. Friday Evening, June the twenty-fifth. Grange Hall. Class Motto "Facta non verba"

First Barn Party (1910)

First Barn Party, 3/29/1910

Junior Class Dance (1910)

Junior Class Dance, Town Hall, Revere. February 10th, 1909

Annual Junior Dance (1910)

Annual Junior Dance. Class of 1911. Friday Evening. February 4th, 1910. Town Hall, Revere.

Praha (1911)

Praha, 1911

Annual Senior Dance (1912)

Annual Senior Dance. Class of 1912. Revere High School. Friday Evening, January 19th, 1912. Town Hall, Revere.

Annual Junior Dance (1912)

Annual Junior Dance. Class of 1912. Revere High School.


Leden, 1912

Fourth Annual Dance (1913)

Fourth Annual Dance of the Revere High School Alumni Association. Town Hall. March 26, 1913.

Leona (1914)

Ledna, Representacni Ples Technicky, 1914

Fifth Annual Dance (1914)

Revere High School Alumni Association Fifth Annual Dance, 1/30/1914

First Inaugural Ball (1915)

First Inaugural Ball of the City of Revere, 1/4/1915

Second Inaugural Ball (1917)

Second Inaugural Ball of the City of Revere, 1/1/1917

Prvni Ples (1923)

Prvni Ples. Svazu Ceskeho Obchodnictva v Praze. 2 Unor Obechni Dum. 1923

Ples Svazu Obchodnictva (1926)

Ples Svazu Obchodnictva, Ledna 30, 1926

Inaugural Banquet & Ball (1927)

Inaugural Banquet & Ball Tendered to Honorable John E. Walsh, Mayor of Revere. Revere City Hall. January 6th, 1927

Ludovikas Bal (1930)

Ludovikas Bal, 2/1/1930


Sobota 15, 1936

SCO (1937)
11th Annual Military Ball (1947)

South Jersey's 11th Annual Military Ball. Hotel Walt Whitman. Camden, NJ. February 14, 1947

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