Vintage Dance Groups and Events
Brass Ring Academy
Commonwealth Vintage Dancers
Flying Cloud Academy of Vintage Dance
Moments in Time (MIT)
A Hartford-based organization that produces Victorian and Ragtime era
events, including balls and weekend retreats. MIT also produces an
occasional electronic newsletter of upcoming vintage dance events and
related news. For additional information, contact MIT at: info@momentsintimedance.org
Jane Austen Society
Lexington Vintage Dance
Metropolitan Vintage Dance and Social Club: http://www.armisticeball.com/
San Diego Vintage Dance Society
The Social Daunce Irregulars have been presenting Victorian Balls in the Pasadena area since 1988. they are dedicated to keeping the tradition of the 19th Century Grand Ball alive in an otherwise gray and pedestrian world.
New River Dance Orchestra
One of the best Victorian and Ragtime era dance music ensembles. Also a
great source for period music CDs.
Spare Parts
Some of the finest Victorian and Ragtime era dance musicians. Also a
great source for Victorian and Ragtime era dance music CDs and books.
Paragon Ragtime Orchestra
Historical Resources and Suppliers
An American Ballroom Companion: Dance Instruction Manuals, ca. 1490-1920
Austentation (Regency Accessories & Information)
Dance Card Museum
Patterns from the Past
Richard Powers, Dance Historian
The Victorian Lady
Kandie Carle presents a variety of Regency, Victorian and Edwardian one woman shows including "Victorian Lady: Dressing From Corset to Gloves". A fascinating and charming look at history and society through clothing.
For additional information contact Kandie.
Email: Kandie@KandieCarle.com
Website: www.KandieCarle.com
Phone: 860-873-9599
Vintage Victorian (Vintage Clothing & Accessories)
Additional links:
Rachel Star Koladis
Website design / Archivist of ephemera
Email: rachel.koladis@trincoll.edu